Who Said Said Said What?

Dangerous Knowledge: Orientalism and Its Discontents

Dangerous Knowledge: Orientalism and Its Discontents


 書評を読む限り、サイードの批評についての要約がいきなり悪意に充ち満ちている。サイードの意外なほどに慎重なイデオロギー論を全く読めていない(著者が? 書評者が?)。書評者による『オリエンタリズム』のまとめはこんな感じ。

Indeed, Orientalism supported the central theoretical premise of many intellectuals at the time -- that the prejudices of dead white European males had utterly distorted and warped their scholarship, art, politics and human sympathies.


 Robert Irwinはオクスフォードの*1アラブ学者で、かなり実証的に『オリエンタリズム』批判をしているらしいのだが、こんな結論を言っちゃってたりするらしい。

Said libelled generations of scholars who were for the most part good and honourable men and he was not prepared to acknowledge that some of them at least might have written in good faith.

